Bang-Pu to Bang Saen and the beach

  So yesterday we rode about 52 miles from Bangpu to Bang Saen. About half the day we spent on a busy highway with large trucks going by, so that was a little stressful. Luckily there was a pretty massive shoulder, much bigger than we’re used to in the states so that wasn’t too bad. […]


View from our hotel in Chinatown. We’ve been in Bangkok for a few days now, getting together bike gear for our upcoming tour. At first we stayed near Khaosan Road, which is kind of the standard backpacker hangout section of town, but we’ve since switched over to a hotel in the Chinatown area. We spent […]

Back in Kathmandu

We are now in Kathmandu after a far less stressful bus ride from Pokhara. We fly to Bangkok tomorrow so we’ve been hanging around Thamel (Kathmandu tourist district) coffee shops and researching the next phase of our journey. This post is going to be just some edited pictures from the Annapurna Circuit. They’re all uploaded […]

Tadapani to Landruk

Today we hiked out of the foggy rainforest and into a steep and more populated valley. We are getting closer to the flat land and highway and there are lot more people around. This area has two other popular treks through it and we’ve seen more trekkers in the last three days than the weeks […]

Kalopani to Dana to Tatopani

We walked from Kalopani to Dana yesterday. We started the day off in a forest of tall evergreens, some sort of spruce/fir/pine that we haven’t really encountered before. The trail was a little difficult to follow at first due to inconsistent blazing but it’s pretty easy if you know the general direction you’re heading. The […]

Marpha to Kalopani

Today we hiked from Marpha to Kalopani. It was a pretty long day of walking, from about 9:30 until 4:00 with few breaks. There was a nice alternative trail pretty much the whole day, making it the second day in a row that we’ve almost entirely avoided road walking. The road is fairly new, I […]